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Body Cameras in Transport & Logistics: A Never Ending Trend?

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In an era marked by increasing security concerns and a growing emphasis on accountability, the use of body cameras has expanded beyond law enforcement, finding a new home in the transport and logistics sector. From bustling airports to busy bus routes, body cameras are being adopted by a variety of professionals to enhance safety, streamline operations, and foster transparency.

Body Cameras in Airports: A Security Essential

Airports, as critical hubs of international travel, face unique security challenges. The use of body cameras by airport staff, including security personnel and customer service representatives, has emerged as a valuable tool in maintaining order and safeguarding the travelling public.

Body cameras can assist in several key areas:

Conflict Resolution: In situations of passenger unrest or disputes, body camera footage can provide an unbiased account of events, aiding in swift and fair resolution.

Deterrence: The visible presence of body cameras can discourage unruly behaviour and promote a more peaceful environment.

Evidence Collection: In the unfortunate event of a security breach or criminal activity, body camera footage can serve as crucial evidence for investigations.

Training and Performance Evaluation: Reviewing body camera footage can enable airport staff to identify areas for improvement and enhance their professional skills.

Body Cameras on Buses - Promoting Driver and Passenger Safety

Bus drivers, particularly those navigating urban routes, often encounter challenging situations involving fare disputes, passenger misconduct, or even traffic accidents. Body cameras provide a layer of protection for both drivers and passengers, promoting safety and accountability.

Key benefits of body cameras on buses include:

Incident Documentation: In the event of a fare dispute, passenger disturbance, or accident, body camera footage can provide an objective record of the incident, facilitating investigations and insurance claims.

Driver Protection: The knowledge that their actions are being recorded can deter aggressive behaviour towards drivers and reduce the risk of assault.

Passenger Safety: Body cameras can help prevent and address incidents of harassment or misconduct on buses, creating a safer environment for all passengers.

Improved Driver Performance: The use of body cameras can encourage drivers to maintain professional conduct and adhere to safety regulations.

Body Cameras on Trains: Enhancing Passenger Experience and Security

Train conductors, responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of train services and the well-being of passengers, can also benefit from the use of body cameras. From ticket inspections to addressing passenger concerns, body cameras can contribute to a more positive and secure train travel experience.

Potential applications of body cameras on trains include:

Fare Enforcement: Body cameras can facilitate fare inspections and discourage fare evasion, protecting revenue for train operators.

Passenger Assistance: In situations where passengers require assistance, body camera footage can help train staff provide appropriate support and document any incidents.

Security Enhancements: Body cameras can act as a deterrent to anti-social behaviour and enable train staff to respond more effectively to security incidents.

Customer Service Improvement: By reviewing body camera footage, train conductors can identify areas for improvement in their communication and customer service skills.

Body Cameras in Logistics - Streamlining Operations and Ensuring Accountability

The logistics industry, responsible for the efficient movement of goods and materials, can leverage body cameras to enhance operational efficiency and ensure accountability at various stages of the supply chain.

Examples of body camera applications in logistics include:

Warehouse Operations: Body cameras worn by warehouse staff can help monitor inventory management, prevent theft, and document workplace accidents.

Delivery Drivers: Body cameras can provide proof of delivery, protect drivers against false claims, and deter theft or damage to packages.

Customer Interactions: In situations involving customer complaints or disputes, body camera footage can offer an impartial account of events, promoting fair resolution.

Training and Safety: Reviewing body camera footage can help identify areas for improvement in safety protocols and enhance training programs for logistics workers.


The use of body cameras in the transport and logistics sector is steadily gaining momentum, driven by a desire to enhance safety, improve operational efficiency, and foster transparency. From airports to buses, trains to warehouses, body cameras offer a valuable tool for documenting events, deterring misconduct, and protecting both workers and the public they serve.

While the adoption of body cameras is not without its challenges, including concerns about privacy and data storage, the potential benefits are significant. As technology continues to advance, we can anticipate further innovation in body camera design and functionality, leading to even greater integration within the transport and logistics industry.

By embracing body cameras as a valuable asset, transport and logistics professionals can create a safer, more efficient, and more accountable working environment, ultimately benefiting both workers and the public they serve.

Contact Eemits today

As a company who understands the importance of worker safety, we specialise in a range of advanced technology body cameras. If your business is looking to implement body cameras a solution, then contact us today.

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Whitby Seafoods

“Eemits Communications has been a long-time partner of Whitby Seafoods. Their single-site conventional digital repeater system has driven daily efficiency and given us greater on-site access control. We appreciate their continued commitment to customer satisfaction and look forward to what the future holds.” 

Teesside Park

"We have a great and longstanding working relationship with Eemits and they have always ticked every box. They offer an excellent, friendly and reliable service.

Eemits have a great understanding of the park and its needs for the customer and our retailers. With a positive can-do attitude, they never say no."

Middlesbrough Council

"We started working with Eemits following on from a recommendation from another customer. They provided us with a solution that suits our needs and they continue to supply the best service with no issues.

Eemits is a professional, friendly and reliable company."

Lucite International

"Eemits continue to provide us with a great supportive service consistently being very helpful. The whole team is great and it's very clear the staff have a great knowledge of the products and are happy to pass this on.

Eemits is a great company."

Huntsman Pigments and Additives

"The service offered by Eemits is second to none, we have a great working relationship with them and the contract we have is good value for money."

Hitachi Rail Europe

"We needed two-way radios for the guys on the test track and something that was scalable. The solution Eemits provided was far superior in comparison to other competitors offerings.

Everything is done in-house and the service and sales department is particularly good. As masters in their field they are extremely knowledgeable."

Go North East

"Eemits dedicate a lot of time to us as a customer - we feel like we get a personal touch. They're excellent and go above and beyond. They'll put the work in - i.e. training users.

Good quality, good people, good team, all of who are positive about their company. They demonstrate real passion."


"The quality of service that Eemits provides is excellent. The team is very knowledgeable and they offer high quality products. The TRBOCALL solution fitted meets our site requirements and upgrades our technology.

Lone worker function is particularly useful allowing us to monitor our staff ensuring they are safe at all times."

ATC Liverpool

"Eemits Communication is friendly, professional and competitive. They are excellent and their workmanship and knowledge is great.

Eemits attitude sets them apart - no problem is too big"

North Tees Hospital

"Prior to the installation of our current system onsite communications were poor. Eemits Communications offered us guidance and advice on the different technologies available and delivered a highly effective system on time and within our budget. Its success has led to other departments using the system."

Hartlepool Power Station

"Eemits Communications Ltd have been involved in work at Hartlepool Power Station for over 10 years now. During this time they have installed an Aerial network through our buildings to enable more efficient internal radio communications.

I have found the staff highly professional at all times and willing to provide help whenever they can, I would have no hesitation in recommending this company."

Cummins Turbo Technologies

"Having previously worked with Eemits, we knew that we were dealing with a supplier that we could trust and one that could help us to significantly increase the safety of our lone workers with its unique solutions.

The equipment supplied by Eemits is excellent. We have been greatly impressed by the knowledge and skills of their engineers who have carried out the onsite surveys and installation of the system.

Eemits came up with an innovative approach to overcome challenges that we had with installing a system with the structure of our building, and as such, the quality of radio frequency is outstanding."

Falck Fire Services

"The service delivered by Eemits has been excellent and we have developed a very good working relationship over the years.

As a local business to Falck Fire Services they can respond to faults or general requests very quickly - which is very important in our line of work - whereas similar suppliers have a greater response time.

TRBOCALL is an overall platform that has made a massive improvement to our communications in comparison to the analogue system that we had been using for many years. It provides us with many different applications that can be utilised across the business.

Since introducing TRBOCALL we have seen significant improvements related to safety and in our communications itself, which is critical to our operations."